New Accounts:
We will be unable to open a new account in branch during the last hour of business.
Please note that you can open an account online at a time convenient to you.
Coin Lodgments:
Coin Lodgments will be facilitated up until the last hour of business.
We are only able to accept full bags of coin.
There is no surcharge for lodging coin.
Foreign Currency:
We are unable to accept foreign currency cheques over the value of €1,000.
Any foreign currency transactions between €2,500 and €9,999 will require: Photo ID
Any foreign currency transactions equal to or greater than €10,000 will require: Photo ID AND Proof of Address
Dignity at Work:
Please click here to read our ‘Dignity at Work’ policy.
Source of Funds:
The source of funds may be requested for various transactions as part of the Credit Unions obligations under the Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Act 2010.
Business Proceeds:
It is not possible to lodge business proceeds to a members personal account.
Account Amendments:
Up to date member verification documents are required to complete account amendments.
If the documents held on file are out of date, the member must provide:
Proof of ID (Passport or Drivers Licence)
Proof of Address (dated within the last 6 months)